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Coaching Excellence into Mediumship

Ready to Unlock Your Mediumship Potential?

Discover How Coaching Can Propel Your Journey!


Is the gentle hand that leads individuals through a process of self-discovery and growth, without imposing predetermined answers or outcomes. Instead of providing direct solutions, guidance encourages recipients to explore their own feelings, thoughts, and understandings, ultimately uncovering insights and awareness from within.

Through the art of asking powerful questions and making astute observations, guides facilitate this journey of introspection, prompting individuals to delve deeper into their innermost selves.

In this way, guidance becomes a catalyst for transformation, empowering individuals to navigate their own paths, make their own decisions, and forge their own destinies. It is through this process of self-discovery that true growth and enlightenment are achieved, as individuals unlock the answers that lie within their own hearts and minds.

Guiding a student in their journey of mediumship development goes beyond merely imparting knowledge; it involves guiding them through the intricate nuances of perceiving the spirit world and fostering their understanding of communication with the unseen.

Recognising that each individual perceives and connects with the spirit world differently, a dual approach of mentoring and coaching becomes essential. While sharing experiences and theoretical understanding lays the groundwork, it is through experiential learning and spiritual exploration that students truly deepen their relationship with the processes involved.

As mentors, we draw upon our own experiences to provide guidance and insight, offering practical advice and sharing the wisdom gained from our own journeys. However, coaching is equally crucial, as it empowers students to navigate their own path, encouraging them to explore and discover their unique spiritual understanding. This combination of support and autonomy permits  a deeper engagement with the practices of mediumship, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment in the student’s development.

Central to this approach is the recognition that mediumship is not merely a set of techniques or practices, but a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. By encouraging students to delve into their own spiritual truths and experiences, we lay the foundation for a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Through this process of catharsis and exploration, students not only refine their mediumship abilities but also gain a deeper empathy and appreciation for the complexities of life.

The challenges encountered along the way serve as opportunities for growth, prompting students to question, reflect, and ultimately to evolve. In embracing these challenges, students not only enhance their mediumship skills but also enrich their lives immeasurably.

True guidance, therefore, lies not in dictating a predetermined path, but in empowering students to forge their own, leading them to discover their own truths and insights. This process of self-discovery is perhaps the most empowering journey we can embark upon, offering profound opportunities for growth, understanding, and spiritual enrichment.


Is the art of imparting knowledge gained through the firsthand experience of a specific expertise. It involves a seasoned individual, the mentor, sharing insights, guidance, and wisdom with a less experienced individual, to support their growth and development in a particular field or endeavour. Through mentorship, valuable lessons learned from years of practical application are passed down, offering a roadmap to navigate challenges, capitalise on opportunities, and achieve success. This transfer of knowledge goes beyond textbooks and theories, providing real-world anecdotes, strategies, and best practices that can only be gleaned from lived experiences.


Is the unwavering presence that creates a safe and nurturing environment for individuals to explore their self-limiting beliefs and fears. It involves holding space with compassion, empathy, and non-judgment, allowing individuals to delve into the depths of their innermost thoughts and emotions without fear of condemnation or rejection.

In this sacred space, individuals are encouraged to confront their fears, challenge their beliefs, and unravel the layers of conditioning that may be holding them back. Whether through active listening, offering encouragement, or providing gentle guidance, support serves as a steady anchor amid the turbulent seas of self-discovery.

By providing a sanctuary for vulnerability and authenticity, support empowers individuals to embrace their true selves, liberating them from the shackles of doubt and insecurity.


Involves the art of posing powerful questions that illuminate the obstacles hindering recipients, fostering self-awareness and empowering them to navigate their own paths with confidence.

By asking thought-provoking inquiries, it challenges and prompts recipients to confront their limitations and deeply ingrained patterns, encouraging introspection and reflection. Through this process, individuals gain clarity on their circumstances, identify potential solutions, and cultivate a sense of ownership over their decision-making process.

Rather than providing ready-made answers, challenge invite recipients to draw upon their inner wisdom and intuition, fostering a deeper understanding of themselves and their capabilities.

In this way, challenges serve as catalysts for personal growth and transformation, empowering individuals to overcome obstacles and chart their own course towards fulfilment and success.

Coaching and Mediumship:

As advocates for excellence in mediumship, we firmly believe in the power of a coaching approach to support individuals on their journey of self-discovery and spiritual development. Through active listening, encouragement, and gentle guidance, we strive to provide a safe and nurturing space where individuals can explore their unique abilities and potential. By offering support as a steady anchor, we aim to empower individuals to embrace their true selves.

Central to our coaching approach is the use of powerful questions to illuminate the obstacles hindering recipients, fostering self-awareness and empowering them to navigate their own paths with confidence. We encourage recipients to delve into their own feelings, thoughts, and understandings, ultimately uncovering insights and awareness from within.

In our coaching practice, we understand that each individual’s journey is unique, and we honor the process of self-discovery and growth. By providing a sanctuary for vulnerability and authenticity, we create a supportive environment where individuals feel empowered to explore their spiritual abilities and uncover their true potential.

Phil Dykes and Kerry McLeod

February 2024


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